I've been on quite a few armed force bases in the past year
- Camp Pendleton, CA
- Fort Irwin, CA
- LA Air Force Base, CA
- Fort Lee, VA
- Fort Bragg, NC
JBLM = Joint Base Lewis McChord. And that's the base I'm closest to. So in its honor, some pictures I have:
This used to be the main entrance, before the need for a multiple lane entry. Behind is the entrance to JBLM Main. Exit 120 off of the I-5 takes you to JBLM. If you don't have a military ID or a guest pass, or JBLM means nothing to you, you took the wrong exit. |
One of the many things I see/hear daily, even when I'm not on base. I believe this to be a Boeing CH-47 Chinook. I will verify with my sources. |
One of the views on base. When it's nice in WA, it's gorgeous! |
Some JBLM administrative buildings. Look at that sky! |
Streets on base. |
Deers on base! You can't hunt them and are even allowed to feed them. |
We saw a family of 3 attempt to cross a busy street, right before exiting JBLM North. Well the mom and child were the bravest. The father stayed behind. Below, a video of the two crossing a second intersection! |
Living near a base and spending time on one includes:
- uniformed men and women 24/7. They walk, they work out, they pump gas, they buy groceries for their families. In uniform.
- seeing license plates from Alaska! So far I have seen license plates from 29 of our 50 states. I thought I would never see a car from Hawaii, but I did! Some of the most common plates include Washington's neighbors: Idaho and Oregon. Texas is extremely common too! I'm told Rhode Island will be a difficult state to spot, due to it's small size and low population. But I'm a West Coast gal with a mission: find a car from every state!
- being prepared to show your military ID if you are a service member, or your civilian ID and guest pass. I have my official JBLM guest pass so I get to hear this when I come on base "Welcome to JBLM ma'am." Sweet!
I haven't explored the entire base yet, but I am familiar mostly with JBLM North. You may want to know what the difference is between JBLM North and JBLM Main, right?
Thanks to: http://www.mcchordairmuseum.org/REV%20B%20OUR%20HISTORY%20%20Joint%20Base%20Lewis%20McChord%20-%20JBLM.htm |
The thick red line is I-5. The part of the base (which is in green) North of the red line is known at JBLM North. The remaining area in green is JBLM Main. Exit 120 W takes you to JBLM North and 120 E takes you to JBLM Main. Like I said earlier, if you for some reason get off at exit 120 and JBLM means nothing to you, just get back on the freeway.
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